5 Must Use Spiritual Tools For 2021

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1. Meditation is an essential tool for navigating life on Earth in 2021!  Not only is meditation a primary tool for spiritual development, but it is also invaluable for reconnecting with your Soul. Meditation is a tool you can only attain through practice. By building a daily meditation practice you claim the tool and gift yourself with the ability to press pause on chaotic mental chatter and overwhelm when you need it most.

2. Connection with Nature

Time in nature is an invaluable tool for healing and neutralizing the stresses of “modern civilized life”. Immersing yourself in nature brings scientifically proven relaxing, restorative, and rejuvenating benefits for your mental, emotional, and physical health. There are deep spiritual gifts and blessings Mother Earth can reveal to you also.

3. Mindfulness is a tool that grants you the ability to step back in perspective from being overwhelmed, stressed or anxious, into simply observing. Mindfulness is about being fully present in the moment, fully observing where you are and what is happening rather than judging or mentally spiraling into the past or future. When you observe, you tap into a state of higher consciousness, and the perspective of your I Am Presence and Soul. This is essential!

4. The Violet FlameThe Violet Flame is an energetic tool and Gift on this planet from Ascended Master Saint Germaine.  It is a form of Spiritual Fire (invisible spiritual energy) that is unbelievably powerful for transmuting lower energies, bringing healing, and accelerating spiritual growth and development.

Call it in to cut through distortion, blockages, and negativity quickly: “I Am the Violet Transmuting Flame in Action”.

5. Diamond LightDiamond Light is clear, high vibrational and invisible spiritual energy.  When you call in Diamond Light it instantly serves to elevate and harmonize the energies within and around you.Diamond Light is incredibly powerful because once you tap into the frequency of diamond light, the highest Divine Possibilities of the Infinite truly become available to you.I consider it an essential spiritual tool for navigating the current energies on Earth in 2021!

Is there anyone who hasn’t had “one of those days” where they wished there was some magical tool to instantly create a big energetic shift? The good news is you can achieve this kind of instant energy shift … by tuning into Diamond Light Frequency to harmonize the energies in the moment, and vibrationally realign with your Highest Divine Life!You should have access to the spiritual tools that can clear away negativity while directly supporting you in making a quantum leap forward in your life.As an angel intuitive, I've found that …Diamond light frequency is the easiest way to renew your spirit, so you can enjoy a magical fresh start … one with infinite opportunities for adding more love, light, & happiness to your life.  Stay tuned for more on this and to join the Private Zoom Group!!

Happy Spring!

With love, and bright blessings,




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