Buckle Up…Some Energy Shifts are Headed Our Way..(No its not Just you!) Here are some tips……

I have some exciting news for all of you Spirit Junkies out there!! My Co-Creators Brooke Borges and Christina DiBiasio and I have created a Private Community Facebook Page for all things “Spirit Junkie!!”

I know I became one myself after I had my Spiritual Awakening after my mom passed away, and the doors flew open, people came into my life that I had no idea about anything they were doing, and my life completely shifted when I realized we actually create our own reality.

Modalities opened up, my life completely changed, I am onmy Ascension process now with so many other Light Workers, Way Showers, and Masters here on Earth with us at this time…..and I am so excited to share everything with you.

If you are reading this you are probably on the same page…Wanting to know “all the things”..Astrology, Psychics, Crystals, 3D, 5D, yoga, meditation…etc. etc. etc.

Well, we have the group for you and I have recorded a couple of videos explaining what is going on and wanted to share them with you!!

As you may or may not know we had our first Solar Eclipse on the New Moon in April.During the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus (April 30th) a new energy arose from deep within the cosmos to give us a gentle nudge towards reaching our innermost desires. This may not necessarily be the most comfortable Journey, but the North node in taurus will make sure that we will eventually reach a state of comfort and worthiness that we couldn’t have possibly imagined from where we are right now.

Understand your worthiness to achieve your deepest desires, say yes to knowing this, use the opportunity of the Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse to take time and opportunity that is in alignment with what you authenically value at your core and plant that small seed, knowing that over time, it will bloom, perhaps not today, not tomorrow, but eventually that seed will bloom larger than the dream you dream.

I will be in Sedona for the upcoming Mercury Retrograde and Full Moon Lunar Eclips eand will be bringing you live updates from ceremonies and the vortex energies of the Red Rocks themselves…So stay tuned!!

And remember…your manifested vision will radiate a love that is built on a stron foundation of your values, your self-worth, your inner peace and your infinite flow….

Trust what you cannot see….trust in the magic.

Until then my friends……


The second Mercury Retrograde of 2022 is almost upon us. It begins on May 10th and ends on June 2nd. Mercury will station retrograde in Gemini, the sign it rules, making this an extra potent retrograde. Let this be your reminder to back up your computers, leave a few minutes earlier than usual, block numbers that no longer serve you, and most importantly take a deep breath. Mercury rules all communication, exchange of information, and systems that help us connect with one another. This includes written, verbal, and electronic forms of communication. Mercury also rules the actions and energy of the Post Office. Not to mention your email server, social media apps, and phone calls.

When a planet stations retrograde, it spins the energy of that planet inwards. Since Mercury is such an outward-going energy – meaning it helps energy flow away from us – things have a tendency to get a bit messy when the vibrations cause the flow to go inward. For ourselves personally, this can be a great time to communicate inward on a deeper level. It can be a time of reprocessing when you shift your perspective on an old situation seeing it in a new light.

On a system level, it can cause miscommunication with others, breakdowns, and unchecked boxes. Give some grace to others during this period. When you do communicate, take breaths and pauses in the conversation. Make sure to listen intently and even send energy to others as they speak to help them clarify their speech. You can have tough conversations with others at this time if you come to space with awareness and high intentions.

Crystals to get you through all of what this year has to throw at you. Keep fluorite in your bag or hold it during meditation to ground your energy and center yourself during this time.

Mercury Retrograde can bring out negative vibes. Protect your energy and feel your feet on the ground with Obsidian. Place on your desk, hold while meditating, or just keep in your home to shield any space - including you.

You Got This!!…and I will “see you soon” for the next Energy Report and lots of News from the Vortex Energy in Sedona!

Sending Only High Vibes!!

Sheila Franzen

Author. Energy Healer. Spiritual Coach. Geek. Your Tech Angel.

Supporting lightworkers ready to step forward and share their gifts with the world through healing, coaching and technology support.


Start to See Auras!!……..


My Podcast Interview