Are you ready to get the energy flowing in the direction of your dreams?

Magic happens when your home is set up to support you!

When you decide to step fully into being a conscious creator, you must not only pay attention to your thoughts, your feelings and therefore the vibration within you, you must also pay attention to the energy (or chi) in the space that surrounds you.

This is a piece of conscious creation that so many people don't pay attention to and as a result have a very difficult time bringing their visions into their reality. But not you. Not any more. Your next step in conscious creation is to work with the energy in the space around you! This step is all about setting up your environment to ensure the energy in your surroundings isn't stuck, but rather flowing and therefore supporting you in the creation process.

This is because there are unseen energies that circulate through your surroundings and influence you. Tapping into them can put you into the flow of creation that helps propel you forward with ease in all the parts of your life.

When you're in alignment with these natural energies, you'll feel fully grounded in your creation powers and your spaces will feel uplifting and inspiring. If you're feeling stuck or facing obstacles or consistent life challenges, then it's a sign that you're out of sync with these energies. To tap into these powerful energies, you can apply the principles of Feng Shui.

This ancient practice allows you to work with the energy in your space to activate what you want and clear what you don't.
Now if Feng Shui is new to you, know that it is based on energy and intention. And while there are spiritual components to this practice, at its core it is based on sound science. And I have seen it work for people over and over again to achieve massive transformations in their lives bringing them more abundance, prosperity, love and whatever else they wanted to create. And it's time for this to be true for you too.

What you must remember is that your home is an outer manifestation of you. By looking around you to your surroundings - whether it is your home, your office or wherever you spend your time - you will see instantly what is inside of you in regard to your thoughts and your vibration.

If your home is a mess, chances are you are too. So let's clean it up and watch the miracles happen!
Now there are so many things from a Feng Shui perspective that you can do to create huge shifts in your life. Way too many to talk about in this lesson, but I AM going to give you some of the most powerful and effective things to implement to create a massive shift in your environment and therefore in your life.

Clear Your Clutter

Your first step, clear your clutter. If you don't love it or use it, get rid of it!
When we clear things we do not love, we create space for what we want. With every unused or unloved item that leaves your life you are making room for what you want to flow more powerfully into it!
The Universe will fill a vacuum and by clearing your life of what no longer serves you, space is opened up for what does support you. Every object in your home has an impact on your energy, and therefore your vibration, even if you are not aware of it on a conscious level. What you are doing by clearing your clutter is welcoming new energy.

So the most important step that will assist you in this process is clearing your life and space and energy state, from the things that don't serve you and from clutter. It is important to remember when you are ready for change, you must also be ready for what the Universe is about to bring into your life. The first step is getting rid of anything in your life that isn't working for you.
So clear your space from excess items you no longer have a need for. Get rid of things that have bad memories attached to them.

Commit to making everything around you lighter.
When you clear your physical space of old things and old memories, you are preparing for something exciting to enter. To help you in this step, I have created a list of things you can do in just 10 minutes a day to start your clutter clearing process. You can get it


Now when it comes to Feng Shui, here are some powerful things you can do right away to get the energy (and therefore what you desire) flowing to you:

Raise the Vibe of your Front Door

In Feng Shui, the front door is extremely important because it is where all of the energy, or chi, flows into your home or business. When this vital energy is flowing toward you in a high vibe way, and can find you with ease, you will attract more opportunities to you. Don't underestimate this powerful shift you can make by raising the vibe of your front door! Here are some things you can do:

  • Clean your front door. Make it welcoming and beautiful. This is where the energy enters, so you want to make sure it is welcomed. Add a little sea salt and/or peppermint oil to your water when you wash it for an extra high vibe boost.

  • Make sure the path to your front door is clear and well lit.

  • Add items to your front door that make it welcoming and beautiful like a welcome mat or a wreath, use bright colors that make it stand out and during the warmer months make sure to have pots or baskets of vibrant flowers on each side of your door.

  • And don't forget inside your entry. Create a welcome area where you can cleanse your energy and leave any low vibes from your day behind. I like to place a piece of selenite in my entry way to clear any negative energy from anyone entering the house.

Powerful space clearing

Now I cannot say enough about this one. If you are feeling stuck, in limbo or not knowing what to do next to shift your life, chances are the energy isn't flowing in a positive way around you. Energy can often get stuck or stagnant in your home or office. This can happen for many reasons, but regardless of the reason there are ways to get that energy flowing again.

  • Open up your windows and doors and let some fresh air in.

  • Place bowls of sea salt and lemons in areas where the energy feels low. Leave them there for 24 hours and then throw them in the trash. Be sure to take the trash out right away! You don't want to leave all the negative vibes these bowls have gathered for you in your house!

  • Shake any blankets, throws or area rugs to get that energy moving!

These are just a few things you can do to shift the energy in your space to support you in your creation process. There is an untapped energy source that is flowing all around you. You can't see it but it is a powerful resource you can use to move you towards all your dreams and desires. When you begin to tap into this energy, and really start to connect with the energy of your surroundings, you can use it to call in all the things that you want towards you.

Sheila Franzen

Author. Energy Healer. Spiritual Coach. Geek. Your Tech Angel.

Supporting lightworkers ready to step forward and share their gifts with the world through healing, coaching and technology support.

Guided Meditation ...You have the support of the universe and of all of it’s love, . What will you create If you can create anything you desire?


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